Barometric Pressure in Austin, United States 
0000 hPa
00.0 ℃
00.0 m/s
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The pressure in Austin, Texas, United States is predicted to drop over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 1000.2 hPa today, which is lower than normal.
Weather prediction: Expect wet, unsettled weather and a strong breeze
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Austin is 3.7 hPa, with a low of 997.6 hPa and a high of 1001.3 hPa.
Hourly Pressure Trends
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The barometric pressure in Austin, Texas is influenced by its inland location and elevation. The pressure is highest in the winter months and lowest in the summer.
Austin is situated in the central Texas hill country. The city is surrounded by rolling hills and lakes. These natural features block or redirect air masses. As a result, the pressure can fluctuate rapidly. The hills also force warm, moist air from the Gulf Coast to rise, cool, and condense.
This process creates a unique combination of weather patterns. The atmosphere is constantly being shaped and reshaped. The result is a dynamic and unpredictable climate. Austin's landscape plays a significant role in creating this complex weather environment.