Barometric Pressure in El Paso, United States 
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The pressure in El Paso, Texas, United States is predicted to slowly drop over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 889.5 hPa today, which is lower than normal.
Weather prediction: Expect more wet and unsettled conditions
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in El Paso is 8 hPa, with a low of 886.1 hPa and a high of 894.1 hPa.
Hourly Pressure Trends
Track the barometric pressure in El Paso hour by hour and stay informed about how it will change over the next 6 hours.
The barometric pressure in El Paso, Texas, ranges from 29.8 to 30.3 inches. This range is typical for a desert climate. The pressure is usually highest in winter and lowest in summer.
El Paso is surrounded by mountains to the east and west. The Franklin Mountains State Park is to the east. The Doña Ana Mountains are to the west.
These mountains affect the atmospheric pressure in El Paso. They block moisture from the Pacific Ocean. This leads to dry air and low humidity. The mountains also create a rain shadow effect. As a result, El Paso receives very little rainfall.