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The pressure in Rancho Cucamonga, United States is predicted to slowly drop over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 972.4 hPa today, which is lower than normal.
Weather prediction: Expect more wet and unsettled conditions
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Rancho Cucamonga is 2.1 hPa, with a low of 971.5 hPa and a high of 973.6 hPa. The daily average here is lower than in most cities around the world.
Weather in Rancho Cucamonga is affected by changes in air masses and fronts that bring changes in barometric pressure. Pressure drops when storms come and rises when they leave.
Rancho Cucamonga's 1,800-foot elevation makes it harder for air to reach from the coast, which affects atmospheric pressure. The surrounding San Gabriel Mountains block some air flows, causing pressure differences.
Winter months have lower pressure due to storms, while summer months have higher pressure due to high-pressure systems. Spring and fall have moderate pressure.
Rancho Cucamonga has a Mediterranean climate, which means mild winters and hot summers. This climate type causes pressure fluctuations, making weather forecasts important for outdoor activities.