Barometric Pressure in Sayville, United States 
0000 hPa
00.0 ℃
00.0 m/s
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The pressure in Sayville, New York, United States is predicted to drop over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 1014.8 hPa today, which is considered normal.
Weather prediction: Expect wet, unsettled weather and a strong breeze
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Sayville is 7.2 hPa, with a low of 1011.7 hPa and a high of 1018.9 hPa.
Hourly Pressure Trends
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Sayville's weather is influenced by its coastal location, making air pressure drop when storms come from the ocean. This brings rain and strong winds.
The area's low elevation near the Great South Bay and Atlantic Ocean makes air pressure lower, causing more instability in the weather.
In winter, cold air from Canada brings high pressure, making it colder and drier. In summer, warm air from the ocean brings low pressure, making it hotter and more humid.
Sayville has a humid subtropical climate, with air pressure varying between 29.5 and 30.5 inHg. This means it's usually warm and humid, with occasional cold fronts.