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Barometric Pressure in Umeå, Sweden Sweden


0000 hPa


00.0 ℃


00.0 m/s



The pressure in Umeå, Västerbotten, Sweden is predicted to quickly rise over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 996.2 hPa today, which is lower than normal.


Weather prediction: Expect more dry and cold weather and a strong breeze to gale winds

The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Umeå is 5.2 hPa, with a low of 993.8 hPa and a high of 999 hPa.


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Track the barometric pressure in Umeå hour by hour and stay informed about how it will change over the next 6 hours.


The atmospheric pressure in Umeå is typically low. It ranges from 980 to 1020 hectopascals. This is due to its high latitude.

Barometric pressure

Umeå is situated near the Gulf of Bothnia. The city is surrounded by forests and mountains. The mountains are to the west and north.

The proximity to the Gulf of Bothnia affects the pressure. The sea water cools the air, making it heavier. This results in lower pressure. The mountains also play a role. They block some air masses, causing pressure changes.


* The barometric pressure information for Umeå, Västerbotten, Sweden on this page is for educational purposes only. We are not responsible for its accuracy or reliability. This information is not medical advice. Consult a health professional for medical concerns and do not rely on this site for medical decisions.