Barometric Pressure in Baku, Azerbaijan 
0000 hPa
00.0 ℃
00.0 m/s
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The pressure in Baku, Azerbaijan is predicted to slowly rise over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 1021.7 hPa today, which is considered normal.
Weather prediction: Expect more fair, dry, cool weather
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Baku is 3.6 hPa, with a low of 1020 hPa and a high of 1023.6 hPa.
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Baku, Azerbaijan experiences a typical barometric pressure range between 1010 and 1020 millibars throughout the year. The city has four distinct seasons: a cool winter, a mild spring, a hot and dry summer, and a pleasant autumn.
Situated on the shores of the Caspian Sea, Baku's flat and coastal landscape has a significant impact on the city's atmospheric pressure. The sea's proximity moderates the temperature, making winters less severe and summers less hot compared to inland areas. The sea breeze also contributes to a slightly higher humidity, particularly during the warm months.