0000 hPa
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The pressure in Bradford, United Kingdom is predicted to slowly rise over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 1009 hPa today, which is considered normal.
Weather prediction: Expect more fair, dry, cool weather
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Bradford is 5.6 hPa, with a low of 1007.2 hPa and a high of 1012.8 hPa. The daily average here is higher than in most cities around the world.
The barometric pressure in Bradford varies constantly. It changes from day to day and even within a day. This fluctuation is due to the movement of high and low-pressure systems.
Bradford is situated in a valley. This valley is surrounded by hills. These hills can block or redirect the path of air masses. Air masses carry different pressures.
The blockade or redirection of air masses affects the atmospheric pressure. It can cause the pressure to rise or fall rapidly. This rapid change leads to unpredictable weather.
The surrounding hills also force warm air to rise. As the air rises, it cools and condenses. This process forms clouds and precipitation.