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The pressure in Corfe Mullen, United Kingdom is predicted to drop over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 1027.7 hPa today, which is higher than normal.
Weather prediction:
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Corfe Mullen is 4.8 hPa, with a low of 1024.5 hPa and a high of 1029.3 hPa. The daily average here is higher than in most cities around the world.
The weather in Corfe Mullen brings many changes in air pressure. Low pressure brings rain and wind. High pressure brings sunshine and calm.
Corfe Mullen's 30-meter elevation near the Dorset hills affects air pressure. The nearby sea and hills create uneven pressure patterns.
Summer has higher pressure with more sunshine. Winter has lower pressure with more rain. Spring and autumn have changing pressure with mixed weather.
Corfe Mullen has a temperate maritime climate. This means the air pressure changes frequently, bringing varying weather conditions that locals and visitors experience.