Barometric Pressure in Quito, Ecuador 
0000 hPa
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The pressure in Quito, Provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador is predicted to rise over the next few hours, with an average pressure of 730.4 hPa today, which is lower than normal.
Weather prediction: Expect fair, dry, cool weather and a strong breeze
The daily total fluctuation in pressure in Quito is 4.7 hPa, with a low of 728.7 hPa and a high of 733.4 hPa.
Hourly Pressure Trends
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Quito's weather patterns cause barometric pressure to rise and fall frequently, leading to changes in the weather.
Quito's high elevation and mountainous landscape create unique atmospheric conditions, which affect the pressure and its variability.
Seasonally, pressure is highest during the dry season and lowest during the wet season, influencing the frequency of sunny and rainy days.
Quito has a subtropical highland climate, characterized by mild temperatures and moderate pressure fluctuations, making the weather feel relatively stable.